Slotting in – a history of slot allocations

A map of the world showing various aircraft on different routes.

Airport slot co-ordination is an intriguing science; the allocation of slots is highly competitive and the top slots fiercely guarded. Artemis Aerospace investigates how airline slots are apportioned. As you follow a flight on Flightradar or gaze up at contrails criss-crossing a clear blue sky, have you ever wondered exactly how aircraft slots are organised? […]

Airport codes: how are they selected?

Have you ever seen the luggage label on your suitcase and wondered how those three letters were chosen? In this article Artemis Aerospace investigates how the codes came about and the history behind some of the more unexpected ones Your suitcase has set off down the conveyor belt sporting a label marked LAX or SYD […]

Seven weird and wonderful careers in aviation

Ask someone to name a job in aviation and their likely answer would be ‘airline pilot’ or ‘flight attendant’. Yet there are many diverse careers in the aviation industry, ranging from critical safety roles to ultra-niche stunt performers. Artemis Aerospace spotlights seven unusual jobs in the field of aviation.   Aviation is big business. It’s […]

Five crazy items people leave behind on planes

Wallets, mobile phones, Kindles, reading glasses – it’s no surprise that everyday items are sometimes left behind when passengers disembark aircraft. Flight attendants and cleaners scour the empty cabin for neglected items after every flight, passing them on to lost property depots where they are generally held for three months. But, as well as the […]

Five of the most showstopping airports of all time

Singapore - 30 Aug 2019: The Jewel Changi is the last architectural addition to the Singapore airport, with a record-high indoor rain vortex waterfall, a vertical tropical forest and a shopping mall under a glass dome.

From buildings based on Bedouin tents to waterfall-filled atriums, long gone are the nondescript boxes, claustrophobic corridors and tired terminals of the traditional 1960’s airport. Here, Deborah Scott, from component supply specialist Artemis Aerospace, reveals the five most showstopping airport buildings of all time. Jewel Changi Airport, Singapore Opened in 2019, Jewel Changi Airport is certainly […]

Six of the world’s most beautiful runways

Barra, Scotland, UK.-August 1, 2014: Panorama of the Barra Airport with one airplane, a Twin Otter, parked in front and beach in the foreground

It is estimated there are more than 41,000 airports in the world. While it would be impossible to visit them all, component supply specialist Artemis Aerospace ranks their top six must-see runways. Barra Airport, Isle of Barra, Scotland The only runway in the world where scheduled flights use a tidal beach for take-off and landing, […]